Contact Us

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Ozobot HQ

Our headquarters are located at: 190 Newport center Drive, Suite #150, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Ozobot Europe

Ozobot s.r.o. Čs. armády 345/6, Bubeneč, 160 00 Prague, Czech Republic

Technical Support

For assistance in using your Ozobot or for warranty support, please contact us at


If you are an educator and have questions about our STEAM education program and offerings, please email us at


For questions about becoming a reseller, please contact us at


For interview requests, samples and images, please contact our public relations at


For general questions about our products and programs, check out our FAQ’s or email us at


Our headquarters are located at:
3 Corporate Plaza, Suite #100, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Ozobot Europe

Ozobot s.r.o.
Čs. armády 345/6, Bubeneč, 160 00 Prague, Czech Republic

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